Research has shown that people who are happy are physically, emotionally and mentally healthier. And…
Is Your Sleep Cycle Causing You Harm?
Getting a full eight hours of undisturbed sleep every night is something that many of us are aware that we need to do, but the reality is that it is not always achievable!
There are many reasons why you might not get enough sleep – or enough good quality sleep. This could be because of a busy schedule that keeps you up late, a young child that wakes during the night, or perhaps disturbances from other sources, such as noisy neighbours!
Whatever the reason for a poor sleep cycle, it is important to address and work to resolve the problem in order to preserve and boost your health. The following issues can quickly appear when you are sleep deprived, and can lead to further health issues.
Fatigue can often be accompanied by a short temper and a lack of focus, which can quickly cause problems during your day! Being fatigued can also become a safety issue as your ability to drive and complete other tasks will become impaired.
Studies have shown that those who sleep less tend to be at a higher risk of obesity. It has been suggested that this is because there is a higher presence of leptin when a person is sleep deprived. Leptin is the chemical that makes you feel full.
Sleep deprivation also causes increased levels of ghrelin, which is the hormone responsible for stimulating hunger.
If a poor sleep cycle is a consistent problem then your immune system will soon become compromised and your overall health will suffer. This can contribute to the onset of relatively small health problems, such as a cough or cold, but can also lead to much more significant issues over time, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.
The risk of developing diabetes appears to be particularly prevalent in those who regularly sleep for less than five hours each night. This is thought to be because a lack of sleep changes the way that the body processes glucose.
If you are aware that your sleep cycle is becoming damaging to your health, and your life in general, then it is important to take steps to improve the length and quality of the sleep that you enjoy. This is something that I will be discussing in a blog post next week, so check back soon!
Overcoming Stress
Being able to overcome the sources of stress in your life can go a long way to helping you to live a more relaxed life and improve your sleep cycle! This is something that I aim to help you do each and every week with my Get Inspired Newsletter!
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[…] you caught my blog post last week then you will have discovered just how important it is to have an optimum sleep cycle. This is […]